Sponsoring Our Activities


Sponsoring Our Activities

Since inception, we at Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Kadhampa Malaysia (Malaysia Kadhampa Buddhist Association)  have been actively spearheading  various charitable events and activities such as:  offering of donations, caring and sharing services, contribution of daily provision and sundries, Chinese medical healthcare service and even  to the extent of extending emergency rescue services, fund raising drives and disaster relives  and utilities sponsorships program etc.; such virtuous initiatives are respectively tailored to the benefits of the disaster victims, needy orphanages and homes for the elderly etc.

The fundamental objective of sponsorship is to attain spiritual purification. Our team endeavor to inculcate trend of fostering virtuous practices towards the needy ones among public at large, through compassionate spirits.

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All compassionate quarters are cordially invited to generously contribute towards such noble courses, by sponsoring of various events and charitable activities designated.

Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Kadhampa Malaysia is committed to ensure adherence to regulations of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing, and we will therefore, and are required to, conduct applicable due diligence on all our sponsors upon acceptance of new sponsorship as well as ongoing monitoring during the course of the relationship with the sponsor. Accordingly, we are obliged to obtain and keep certain identity information on our sponsors. Where individuals have provided personal data for this purpose, we will only use it for that purpose and keep it only for as long as the relevant anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing requires.[:zh]


为了弘扬释迦牟尼佛真正清净圆满之传承与正法, 广度有缘众生,修学佛法,马来西亚嘎档巴佛教总会举办多项活动, 包括舍利文物展、无上猷钆烧施(火供)大法会、授权法会(灌顶)、供僧法会、供地龙、供海龙、授课、共修、佛学研讨、助念关怀、朝圣之旅、亲子读经班,公益慈善活动等等。


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为了推动以上活动,以利益广大的众生,本会诚邀各界善心人士,发心护持活动的的经费 ,同时,自己累积善根福报与智慧。

Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Kadhampa Malaysia is committed to ensure adherence to regulations of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing, and we will therefore, and are required to, conduct applicable due diligence on all our sponsors upon acceptance of new sponsorship as well as ongoing monitoring during the course of the relationship with the sponsor. Accordingly, we are obliged to obtain and keep certain identity information on our sponsors. Where individuals have provided personal data for this purpose, we will only use it for that purpose and keep it only for as long as the relevant anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing requires.[:]

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